The Supplications and Words of on the Way of the Warrior.


And in his most dire Moments, frail , hungry, and faced with his greatest demons. The father reached out to his lost son speaking to him in the dark place.

"Go forth, my son. Taste redemption."

As his words filled him His wounds remained, but his energy soared back to its highest peaks, his hunger vanishes eased for the rest of the captivity. As courage flows through his veins, and pride once again claps at his back.

"As warriors, we must face all foes with honor and purity. Holding ourselves to a higher code than our foes before us. At all times, treating them with the honor, they would not seem to show us."

What it means to be a warrior.

To be a warrior in his light and guidance is to do what is right and honorable above all things. Not letting one's emotion cloud their judgment and actions in life. To be with honor means to hold to honor above all things in life be it, love, above family, for there are only a warriors honor and their families honor. Warriors never waver or falter in their ability to carry out their responsibility and word once given, carrying this example onto the field of battle and in his daily life. We always face our foes head-on and look them in the eyes, letting them die with a sword in hand, giving a defeated foe the chance to repent and come back to his grace if they surrender and willfully repent their deeds.


One's duty comes before all things in life, even family. When one gives their word or makes a vow in service to valiant, they keep this word no matter what. No matter any slights or insults one may throw at a warrior, you must always adhere to your word and actions. For duty is in action, and to betray one's duty is to betray one's honor leaving them to live a broken path.

Conduct of warfare

When fighting or conducting battle, one must treat all armed combatants with gentleness and caring—not harming the innocent nor any found to be corrupted. But treat them with kindness and gentleness, show them the path of light and redemption. For to treat them badly will oft make enemies and breed hatred in life. Forgoing a chance one may have to guide them in life back onto the road into life then. When opponents fall upon the field of battle, they must be buried with full honors of a warrior not left to rot upon the field, for despite who we fight for we are all warriors and give our lives in service. With full prayers and funeral rites were spoken so even if they trespassed in death, they may find duty in his service in death and be redeemed.


The treatment of any prisoner is a serious matter for those walking the path of honor and justice. Those who have their emotions in a jumble and are tied closely to anger and hatred towards them should be kept apart. While those whose passions are calm and in control should be allowed to guard them to ensure the prisoners are not cajoled or insulted till they are roused to anger and assault against their captors leading to excuses for punishment by the captors but. Prisoners should be treated with care and honor given medical treatment and food three times daily, as well as an exercise within reason. For we are not like those who torture and treat our prisoners badly, for we have the honor to see them serve Justice.

Enforcing Justice

One must tread a line of respect and careful emotions when dealing with justice itself. We are not bounty hunters nor are we the absolute judges of the world. For it is filled with the many laws of many lands and we must respect those lands and their sovereignty. We must gather evidence and proper witness to the crimes a person has done in life, then present it to the lords, lady, or council of that land. And see to it they get a fair trial of their peers. We should not take others from lands not our own to enforce our own will and justice against them for this is not a way of Honor, but a way of Vengeance and hatred that opens the door to dishonor and hubris.


There is no room for Vengeance in the heart of a warrior. It eats away at a warrior and corrupts them, bringing them shame and dishonor till there is nothing left but heartbreak and sorrow a hole in life that will never be filled. A genuinely great warrior is always calm and steady; nothing ruffles them or their spirit. We admire them as they genuinely are able to serve justice without being blinded by hatred and dishonor. Even in the face of death with vengeance, we must forgive those that cause us pain and harm and live in the now. for the cowardly only do so while those valiant only taste the stinge of defeat but once in life while those that tread paths of dishonor taste it everyday.

"To be blessed of he who is the shield of the innocent, is doing the right action no matter who is around you, on behalf of all the people who cannot defend themselves even if he is your foe.”

Aiding the Weak

We must always stand ready to help those that have nothing in life the poor, the weak and the sick. For while we tread the realms of warfare to fight those that seek to smother the light with darkness. We must never forget our duties in peace, to aid those that need it the most in our days. To give them our daily bread, and to provide them shelter while tending to their wounds of the injured and sick, this way even in times of peace or idleness we aid those that are innocent in every way. For not, all people are evil nor malicious but forced into their current state, not by their own hands. By tending to them and showing them a better path can we only gain followers to the path of valiant.